Coding standards contribute to better code quality, readability, maintainability, and collaboration, resulting in more efficient and reliable software development processes. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the QML coding standards and guidelines employed at Invisto.
This document has been created through our findings over the years, as well as by incorporating advice from the Qt Group and the Open Source community.
1. Introduction to QML Coding Standards
Qt QML coding standards are a set of guidelines and best practices that developers should follow to ensure their codebases are clean, consistent, and maintainable. By adhering to these standards, developers can create code that is easier to read, understand, and modify. This article will explore various aspects of QML coding standards, including structuring QML object declarations, utilising grouped properties, improving unqualified access, implementing required properties, handling signal parameters, organising JavaScript code, and enhancing code readability with comments.
2. Structuring QML Object Declarations
When declaring QML objects, we aim to follow a consistent structure.
- id
- property declarations
- signal declarations
- JavaScript functions
- object properties
- child objects